FAQ: What the text on Sacred Heart album cover means

The text is written in Latin. Latin is very sensitive to context, so the text can be translated in a couple of different ways. According to Professor Thomas Ruggles from Northern Arizona University, the most likely translation is as follows:

"FINIS PER SOMNIUM REPERIO TIBI SACRA COR VENEFICUS OSTIUM AURUM" translates to "Comes the end by sleep, I will [p]repare for you the Sacred Heart which is the magic that opens upon the alter."

Originally the text was meant to be one "clue" in a contest to find the Sacred Heart. The grand price of the contest was to be an American car. However, the contest supposedly never happened after all.

This page is maintained by Tapio Keihänen, E-mail: dio@iki.fi.
The page has been updated on 22.08.1999
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