Ronnie James Dio Picture Gallery
Here you'll be able to find Ronnie James Dio related pictures from Dio
fans all over the world. E-mail me if you want your pictures here.
Notice: Some of these pictures are fairly big, so it
may take a little while to load them over slow connections.
People have kindly allowed me to put these pictures on my pages, but
if you want to use them yourself somewhere, please ask permission
first from the people behind these pictures - their e-mail addresses
or other copyright information is mentioned with the pictures.
Important note - this section is freezed
I've stopped updating this section of my pages.
Personal pictures
Jim Amentler
Ken and Ann Boyd
Sal DiFatta
Jean-Bernard Emand
Ladd Everitt
Richard Karlsen
Tapio Keihanen
Tomi Korpela
Aaron Kuss
Steve Mignardi
Sam Naugler
Mike Silver
Luis Sinoti
Yoko Nakajima and Volker van der Putten
Concert pictures
Elf: November 22nd, 1974
Rainbow: November 26th, 1975
Rainbow: May 21st, 1978
Black Sabbath: Early January, 1982
Dio: October 20th or 22nd, 1983
Dio: August 24th, 1984
Dio: August 15th, 1987
Dio: February 21st, 1997
Dio: February 23rd, 1997
Dio: February 24th, 1997
Dio: February 25th, 1997
Dio: October 28th, 1998
Dio: October 29th, 1998
Dio: June 12th, 1999
Dio: June
26th, 2002/Genady Perchenko
Dio: June
28th, 2002/Genady Perchenko
Dio: September
18th, 2002/Genady Perchenko
Dio: December
14th, 2002/Genady Perchenko
Dio: December
15th, 2002/Genady Perchenko
Dio: July
6th, 2003/Tapio
Dio: July
17th, 2004/Artur Karpov
Dio: July
18th, 2004/Tapio
Dio: July
18th, 2004/Kjell Gustafsson
Dio: July
18th, 2004/Ari Ilvonen
Dio: July
18th, 2004/Thomas Krause
Dio: July
18th, 2004/Toni Poikonen
Dio: July
18th, 2004/Matti Dahlbom
Dio: July
18th, 2004/Paul-Erik Törrönen
Dio: August
2nd, 2004/Uwe
Dio: August
4th, 2004/Genady Perchenko
Dio: August
4th, 2004/Tapio
Dio: August
5th, 2004/Genady Perchenko
August 6th 18th, 2004/Jörg Schulz
Dio: August
7th, 2004/Arjen Alkemade
August 7th, 2004/Peter Rossen
August 10th, 2004/Thomas Krause
August 10th, 2004/Ross McEwen
August 13th, 2004/Thomas Krause
August 14th, 2004/Thomas Krause
August 21st, 2004/Hector
F. Miranda Castillo
August 24th, 2004/J.C. Bermedo
August 24th, 2004/Mauricio
Hernandez Diaz
November 13th, 2004/Jorge Osorio C.
Concert tickets
Tour passes
Misc pictures
Cortland, NY, USA
2nd Dio Chat, June 5th, 1999
This page is maintained by Tapio Keihänen,
The page has been updated on 02.01.2005
URL:, the front page