The following is a review of the first Dio show on the Angry Machines tour, originally mailed directly to me. Republished here with permission from the author. I had to edit the layout a little bit for better outlook on web, but all the information is still intact.
From: AAK (
Subject: Dio in Ri
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 03:52:55 -0500
I will first say that Motorhead was very good all the people who were there to see them seemed to be having a good time. I have never seen them before so I can't judge them.
Next I will say that Dio rocked the house. This was the best show that I have ever seen. I don't remember the set list (I forgot to bring a pad and pen into the show with me). The show started with JMHG off SH. They then played 3 or 4 in a row off HD.
Ronnie was very happy to be in Ri and you were able to see it in his eyes. the club was packed and I think that this helped the band. The only thing I am able to say about the show is that it was awesome with a capitol AWE. Hearing Mistreated live was worth my 20 bucks alone.
The one bad thing is that I didn't get to meet with Ronnie. I did how ever wait in the cold for about 2 hours and when I say cold, I mean COLD. Someone told me that Ronnie had gone back to his hotel so I left. I assume this person was lying because I was also told that Ronnie was on his way to NJ in a plane. Lying or not it was very cold so after a 2 hour wait I said to my self I'm going to see him atleast 4 more times this week and I went home. To make a long story short Dio (as a band) blew the roof off "The Strand" I hope the show tomorrow night is equally as good.
Aaron Kuss
I forgot to mention that the auncored with Rainbow in the Dark and then Mob rules.
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