The following is a review of the first Dio show of the second leg of Angry Machines US tour, originally mailed to me. Republished here with permission from the author. I had to edit the layout a little bit for better outlook on web, but all the information is still intact.
From: Jim Amentler (
Subject: Dio In San Juan Capistrano
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 01:44:07 -0800
Well, I just got back from a FANTASTIC show by the boys in DIO! There were two lame opening bands. I almost fell asleep during their sets. Then......
The band hits the stage! RJD, Tracy G, Scott Warren, Larry "Bones" Dennison and new boy James Kottack. James is filling in for Vinny Appice who has not recovered enough from his bout with pneumonia to do this leg of the tour. Vinny will play at the Billboard Live show tomorrow night, but, that's it until his health is better.
I'll post the setlist tomorrow. The guys really rocked! They were ready to go from the start. EVERYONE was ON!! I'm gonna make this short tonigh and wil fill in the details tomorrow. The venue, The Coach House, was wall to wall people. The sound, as usual, was superb. The band was more than able. They kicked ass!!! As I said before, they were ON tonight! I know i'm being very enthusiastic here, but, hey, this was one of the best Dio shows that I have seen!
Oh yeah, one thing that really got my enthusiasm going was in the middle of "Mistreated". They played part of "Catch The Rainbow"!!!! Great stuff! Can't wait for tomorrow night!
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